Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lost World

This is my midterm project for my digital environment class, for this project we had to select a matte painter and we had to replicate one of his works. I selected Dylan Cole he was the concept artist for Tron Legacy and Transformer 3 his work is fantastic. Creating these mountains from images was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am going to post a final version soon, I still have a bit of cleaning up to do.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Haunted House

Hello, so this is another assignment from my digital environment class. Since it was Halloween soon we had to take this house and make it into a haunted house. Here's the before and after I want to expand the landscape of the image so I'll post a newer version soon.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Broadcasting Final: Attack of the Show ID

This was something I made for my Broadcasting I class, our final was to make a 15 second ID for a show. The robot and the particles were all done in 3D the rest were vector images all of this was done on After Effects. [quality is better than this btw]

Work progress: Destroyed City

First off, Hi everyone so i decided to make this site strictly for work im currently working on, I might blog a bit too, or share YouTube videos I uploaded, but yeah that's all there is to this at the moment.

Okay so this quarter I signed up for a digital environment class and this week's project is to create a matte painting using at least three images from photos we've taken and at least three photos pulled from the net. Im still working on finding the final image to add but the road and the two houses on the right were taken by me.

The buildings in the back is the city of Chicago, and on the left is just a hill side with a few buildings. Most of the left side is from one photo I took out the power lines and trees to open the sky more.

So there you go, I'll post an update soon, in the mean time leave me your thoughts. What's working, what's not.